Understanding Autism: Ian McBrias' Journey with Realise


Ian completed an Understanding Autism course with Realise and now feels more equipped to support his son and others in his community.


Ian McBrias, a dedicated SEND coordinator from Kirkby, embarked on a journey of understanding and empathy when he enrolled in the Autism course offered by Realise. With a background in warehouse work and supporting parent carers around issues such as housing, education and SEND, Ian was drawn to the course’s content and the opportunity to deepen his knowledge about Autism.

Why Ian chose Realise:

Currently employed as a SEND coordinator, Ian quickly enrolled onto the course seeing it as an opportunity to enhance his skills and deepen his understanding of Autism futher.

First day experience:

Ian found the first day of learning enlightening. His tutor, Sara, created a welcoming and supportive environment that encouraged open discussion and engagement. Her honest teaching style resonated with Ian, making the learning experience memorable and impactful.

Course highlights:

Despite having attended several Autism courses before, Ian found the Realise course to be the most detailed and thought-provoking. He enjoyed the process of learning new things and appreciated the depth of information provided.

Impact and next steps:

The course has had a profound impact on Ian’s life. As a father to a son with Autism and a supporter of many families whose children have Autism, he believes that the knowledge gained will enable him to provide better support and understanding.


Ian highly recommends this Understanding Autism course. He shared his positive experiences with his partner who works for the local authority, praising the course content and Sara’s teaching style. He believes that the course offers a deeper understanding of Autism compared to other courses he has taken.

Tutor feedback:

Ian commends Sara for her excellent teaching style. She fostered a comfortable atmosphere that encouraged questions and peer support. Her openness, honesty, and supportive nature made the learning experience enjoyable and beneficial for all students.

“Realise offers a truly insightful course that gets you thinking. It’s not just about learning; it’s about understanding and empathising.”

Ian McBrias