Multiply in Manchester

Develop your confidence, skills and learn maths you’ll actually use with Multiply!

Course overview

At a glance




4 hours



What’s involved?

Multiply is a new government-funded short course to help adults over 19 to improve their maths skills, confidence and career prospects through practical learning.   

With no homework or exams, Multiply is designed to teach maths skill through fun, activity-based workshops. 


All the courses are designed to help improve your knowledge through enjoyable activities and games. 

Multiply will be co-delivered by the Growth Company and Realise. 

The course will be funded by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. 

What will you learn?

You will complete two sessions, examples of these include: 

  • Meal planning on a budget – learn how to plan healthy meals without breaking the bank 
  • Cook chop and natter – make a delicious dessert amongst friends 
  • Supporting children with maths – learn how to support learning and homework skills or how to teach maths through games 
  • Cake decorating – learn how to decorate a cake for events without professional cost 
  • Destination relax – get handy hints for how to plan a dream holiday without the additional costs 

Need more information?

No problem. It doesn’t matter if your query is big or small, our teams are here to help. Just complete a quick enquiry form and we’ll be in contact soon to assist you with your query.

Is Multiply right for you? 

The scheme is open to anyone lives in Greater Manchester, is aged over 19 and doesn’t have a grade C or 4 in GCSE maths. 


How will it be taught?

Our talented maths coaches can teach a range of sessions to small groups of your team. 

Learning will take place in person in locations across Greater Manchester. 

Our experts

The people that make it happen


Operations manager


Delivery manager


Delivery manager

I am Kerry.
I started my career as a young learner in a nursery at 18 and worked my way up to a manager role, working in a few different early years settings. I have worked in apprenticeships for eight years, going into assessing at the age of 30. From then I have moved into other roles such as quality assurance, curriculum development and managing a team.
I love theory of development and teaching, so early years is my career but also my passion. One of the best things about my role is working with likeminded, passionate people, who inspire me every day.

Frequently asked questions

How much will the qualification cost?

It is free and funded by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.