Getting Maria closer to her dream of joining the police force


Maria enrolled onto the free PCSO course and has now improved her chances of joining the West Yorkshire police force.

Maria’s story

Maria is a stay at home mum with two children and has always dreamt of working within the police, when she saw the advert for the Police Community Support Officer course, she knew it was her golden ticket to move closer to her dream job! Wanting to gain a better qualification, Maria saw the free course as a perfect way to better herself and her CV ready for employment. “This course was great, it has included alcohol awareness, mental health awareness, customer service and prevent.”

“It was always a dream to become a part of the West Yorkshire police and I saw this as a huge opportunity to fulfil the dream. Being a single parent can cause financial problems and this will help me with a sustainable job for my family.”

Maria Drbulova

What is covered on the course?

During the PCSO course you will cover five different courses, including:

Prevent awareness course (HM Government),

Level 1 award in customer service,

Level 1 award in mental health awareness,

Level 1 award in alcohol awareness,

Level 1 certificate in personal development for employability.

Do you want more information?

If you would like more information about what we do, chat to one of our team now!

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