
Rita has gained confidence in maths through the Multiply course

One of our many 50+ aged learners decided to boost her confidence with maths through our fully funded course

Rita’s story

Rita has dyscalculia meaning she has always struggled with maths and felt as though people thought differently of her because of it. The Realise Multiply class has given her the confidence she needed to use maths in daily life and not feel embarrassed by it. The Realise Multiply course takes a different approach to learning maths including fun games and sweets! Taking the course has given Rita the confidence she needed to use maths in daily life and not feel embarrassed by it.

“The reason I decided to take the Multiply course is because I have dyscalculia, and through my life I have been told I am thick because I can’t do the maths. Now I have proved I can, just slower.”

Rita Peppard

Rita’s interview

We asked Rita why did you sign up to multiply?

“The reason I decided to take the Multiply course is because I have dyscalculia, and through my life I have been told I am thick because I can’t do the maths. Now I have proved I can, just slower.”

What did you enjoy from the Multiply sessions?

“What I enjoyed most about the course was the encouragement from the tutor, and that the other people in the class don’t criticize you because they are doing exactly the same as you are. Everything was fun and was done in a way that makes you relax so I didn’t feel stupid.”

What do you plan on doing with the knowledge you gained from this course?

“I’m going to use this knowledge, so I don’t panic when I have to add something up or working with my personal finances. Just simple things knowing how to work out percentages, knowing how to work out what a fraction is and just having more confidence and trust that I am getting the answers right.”

What activities did you do?

On this course we have done quite a few different activities, we have used smarties to count and used colours to help us with fractions and decimals which made the learning fun.”

What would you say to anyone wanting to improve their maths skills but anxious to do so?

“If someone asked me whether to take the course, I would say just go for it, it’s fun! No one is going to put you on the spot or ask you to stand up and recite times tables. The classes are really good and the tutors make them feel really relaxing, you’re not made to feel like an idiot, everyone is relaxed, and everyone is in the same boat. They really help!”

Do you want more information?

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