
Realise provides solution to maths equation for nursery leaders


Realise has created an exclusive pathway for nursery managers to meet new Early Years Foundation Stage regulations around maths qualifications.

New maths requirement for nursery managers

As of January, any nursery manager moving into a new job will have to achieve a level two qualification in maths within two years of taking the role.

This is in addition to requiring similar level qualifications in English and paediatric first aid to be deemed “full and relevant”.

Fulfilling the EYFS requirements

Realise offer both English and maths training through our online functional skills offering and are now creating cohorts exclusively of nursery managers to complete the necessary training.

Karen Derbyshire, Operations Director for early years and education at Realise, said: “For nursery managers who are remaining in their current position, nothing changes.

“However, for those who are looking to move jobs or take on a managerial position for the first time, this is a significant change which those affected need to be addressing.

“The course can be anything from 10 – 28 weeks, depending upon the starting point of each individual.

“We are not only seeing newly-recruited managers take the course to fulfil the EYFS requirements but deputy managers are also signing up as part of future succession planning to ensure they have all the necessary requirements to take on a promotion as when  the opportunity arises.”

Exclusive training cohorts

Karen continues: “Our exclusive nursery manager’s cohort will ensure we have a group of like-minded people with similar aims and targets taking the course.”

The functional skills qualifications are awarded by TQUK and provide level 2 qualifications to the equivalent of GCSE level.

To find out more, please contact Karen.Derbyshire@realisetraining.com