
Realise achieves Gold for safeguarding excellence


Realise has been praised for its “positive culture” after the leading training provider achieved the Gold Standard Leaders in Safeguarding award.

The top award

Realise’s safeguarding processes were scrutinised for two days before the top award was announced.

Leaders in Safeguarding is an organisation made up of specialist and experienced consultants which audit and inspect businesses and organisations against 16 safeguarding standards.

Only the very best businesses are awarded the prestigious Gold Standard.

Kim Curtain

Kim Curtain, Safeguarding & Wellbeing Manager at Realise, said: “We are absolutely chuffed to receive this Gold Standard, which is the culmination of years of hard work.

“We first received Leaders in Safeguarding accreditation in 2021 but were given a few pointers to work towards. We have since updated safeguarding policies, appointed a safeguarding officer at board level and improved our processes when recruiting staff. These improvements have combined to produce this important award.

“Providing an environment where all learners can feel safe is vitally important to us and we will continue to strive towards excellence.”

The report

Leaders in Safeguarding spent two days carefully examining policies, minutes of meetings, recruitment records and procedures, as well as holding in-depth conversations with learners, employers and staff to establish everyone’s understanding of safeguarding within Realise.

The report said a “positive, supportive culture exists throughout the organisation which supports and promotes safeguarding very effectively”.

It added: “Senior leaders, including those in governance, have clear oversight of the safeguarding arrangements and understand trends in risk and vulnerability. The nominated governor for safeguarding takes an active role in supporting and quality assuring the safeguarding arrangements throughout the organisation.

“High priority is given to identifying the needs of the most vulnerable groups. The safeguarding team is led by highly experienced staff with can-do, solution-focused attitudes.”

The report went on to praise Realise’s safeguarding newsletters, its safer-recruitment practices and its recording of safeguarding issues.

Realise is one of the country’s leading training providers, working with more than 1,000 employers and more than 10,000 learners a year throughout apprenticeships and adult education courses.

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