Bringing colour and confidence to an early years career: Gage’s story


Gage is embarking on a career in early years with their head held high after completing an online Skills Bootcamp.

Diving straight in an early years career:

Gage took a brave step into the unknown when they enrolled on the six-week online Skills Bootcamp.

I was initially terrified, in the past, I’ve struggled with group-based work and I was going into this completely blind, going from art and design straight into early years.”

Past experience with online learning:

Gage told Realise that the prospect of attending online learning sessions made them feel apprehensive to begin the programme, as past experiences with group work had not been positive.

“When I found out it was all online, my anxiety was through the roof!”

However, as the weeks progressed and they got to know their virtual peers, Gage’s confidence grew significantly and their initial reservations about online learning had been resolved.

By the end of the course, Gage had discovered a newfound appreciation for the convenience of weekly live learning sessions and the organisation of online learning with Realise.

Overcoming challenges and obstacles:

Having little to no experience in early years before enrolling on the Skills Bootcamp, Gage felt that they had a lot to learn.

When given certain tasks my mind went blank, I knew nothing about safeguarding, very little maths, and even how to deal appropriately with children having a meltdown.”

However, with the support of their fellow students and tutor, Gage quickly picked up essential skills and learned how to integrate their new knowledge into everyday activities for children.

This marked a huge personal and professional milestone for Gage during their time on the programme.

Support during the Skills Bootcamp:

Gage was impressed by the continuous support provided throughout the course.

“From the very start I have had constant support from my tutor as well as my peers, it is a very welcoming environment where even the simplest of questions will be answered with no judgment. I have felt like my team has had my back from day one and this motivated me to push forward in my study.”

With the guidance and encouragement of their tutor and peers, Gage bravely overcame their anxieties, persevered, and learned far more than they ever expected!

This newfound confidence is what spurred Gage on to continue their journey in early years education with a strong sense of belief in their abilities.

By the end of the six weeks, Gage had flourished with confidence and felt prepared and eager to step into the early years profession, holding their head high and ready to tackle the challenges ahead.


“It may seem terrifying to be told that you only have 6 weeks to learn so much and to be told that you are being thrown into a meeting with strangers. But, keep your head held high.


“The weeks pass by quickly, the learning is fairly simple and easy to take in and you’ll make friends along the way. And when you leave, you’ll leave feeling confident in yourself knowing you did this, and you’re ready to face the challenges ahead. Keep going, you got this.”
