
Information Advice and Guidance (IAG)

This programme will provide candidates with the skills and underpinning knowledge in a broad range of contexts where information, advice and / or guidance (IAG) is offered.

Course overview

At a glance






West Midlands / Manchester

About the course

This programme will provide candidates with the skills and underpinning knowledge in a broad range of contexts where information, advice and / or guidance (IAG) is offered.

The qualification is appropriate for any colleagues who have responsibility for providing information, advice or guidance as part of their core work and for those who may be involved in general signposting to other sources of appropriate IAG. It will also support delivery of work-based learning.

Programme participation is especially relevant to those working in Further or Adult Education, sector based vocational training, those supporting young people with careers and personal choices such as Trainers, Teachers, Lecturers, Coaches, Support Staff and Learning Mentors. It is also recommended for those giving advice in the Voluntary Sector, Health Workers, and anyone who would benefit from a programme of study reinforcing good practice, underpinning knowledge, and formally recognising learning and skills developed through experience.

Is this course right for you?

To be eligible for the courses, candidates must:

  • Be aged 19 or over
  • Have lived in the UK for the past 3 years
  • Have the right to live and work in the UK
  • Live at a West Midlands or Greater Manchester postcode.

What you’ll learn

Candidates must achieve 21 credits for the completion of this programme.

Units included for delivery of this programme are:

  • Establish communication with clients for advice & guidance.
  • Review own contribution to IAG services.
  • Support clients to make use of the advice & guidance service.
  • Understand the importance of legislation & procedures.
  • Develop interactions with advice & guidance clients.
  • Enable advice & guidance to access referral opportunities.
  • Liaise with other IAG services.


How you’ll learn

The course is run via online workshops.

Course participation is through the attendance of 19 online trainer led workshops of between 4.5 to 5 hours each in duration totalling circa 92hrs. These are supported by guided workplace activities and evidence generation. Total qualification time is 210 hours.

Regsiter now

Sounds like something you are interested in? To sign up or for more information, email: teacher.training@realisetraining.com