Leanne grew her confidence and gained knowledge, after taking the level 1 teaching assistant course.


Leanne was ready to get back out into the working world but had lost confidence. The Realise teaching assistant course helped her gain her social confidence back.

Leanne’s story

After being diagnosed with cancer, Leanne had to leave her support worker role over two years ago. Now recovering, she was ready to get back out into the working world but had lost confidence in social settings due to her illness. Leanne took our teaching assistant course and says they helped to build her confidence back up. Hoping to work in primary schools in the future, “My sister found this course and told me about it, I wanted to start something to help me get back into work and I enjoy working with kids.”


Leanne gained useful knowledge and skills that she can now add to her CV, which will help her in interviews when applying to work in schools. The teaching assistant  course is perfect for anyone wanting to enhance their understanding of the school environment and what role they could play, working in a school.

“The training was informative, fun to do and helps with social skills that have been lacking in the last two years. Lindsey, my tutor made the learning fun and puts you at ease in her classroom. My favourite part about the course was the team discussions, as you can hear other people’s opinions and see things from a different perspective.”

Leanne Riley

About the course:

The level 1 teaching assistant course aims to develop your knowledge of the teaching and learning environment.

Over seven-weeks, you will find out what it’s like to work within a school and will cover a variety of different phases that are crucial to succeed in education.

If you successfully pass the course, you’ll gain a level 1 award to add to your CV alongside valuable information to help you decide whether a career in a school is for you.


You will develop new skills that underpin your future success in an apprenticeship and/or school setting. The course includes:

  • Roles and responsibilities of schools as an organisation
  • Communication and team working
  • Safeguarding, equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Child development under the curriculum
  • Health, safety and wellbeing

Employability information, advice and guidance

Do you want more information?

If you would like more information about what we do, chat to one of our team now!

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